Qi men dun jia (qMDJ) fengshui- How to plot Qi men fengshui chart for your house
Which is the harm sector in your house?
Where you can put your desk or working place?
Does the bedroom fengshui affect your married?
Qi Men Dun Jia (qmdj) Fengshui is the best tool that help you find the answer?
See this video to find how to plot your Qi men fengshui chart for your house
Download link
Ios: https://apps.apple.com/vn/app/qi-men-dun-jia-pro/id1641121938?l=vi
Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.qimendunjiapro
1. Qi Men Dun Jia Chart
– Add features of year, month, date, time table
– Feature Horse, Death emptiness
– Features 12 officer, 28 constellation for the daily chart
– Calculating and interpreting Qi men formation in details
– Bookmark Qi Men Subject easy to find and apply
2. Qi Men Destiny
– Calculating the position of Destiny Palace
– Find the position of the three victories (3 Victory Palaces)
– List the three victory days in the year – Shen & Sha Qi Men Destiny
3. Qi Men Feng Shui- The 3rd eye of a feng shui Master
– Set up a Qi Men feng shui chart with house facing
– Incorporating Xuan Kong Fei Xing
4. Qi Men Strategy
– Find all Qi Men formation you want in annual year
Tag: Qi Men, qi men dun jia, qi men fengshui, qi men app, qi men tool, xuan kong fei xing,
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qi men strategy, fengshui app,